Most Dangerous Places in the World: Nature can be terrifying sometimes and humans even more so. Here’s a list of all the dangerous places in the world, whether the danger be by nature or by man.

1. Lake Kivu, Africa

Located along the border between Congo and Rwanda is Lake Kivu. The shores of lake Kivu on Rwanda houses nearly 2 million people. The lake is a ticking time bomb, as beneath the lake lies 2.3 trillion cubic feet of methane gas and 60 cubic miles of carbon dioxide. If the gas at the bottom of the lake is disrupted, it can lead to a massive methane explosion. The smoke can kill everything that comes in its way.

Lake Nyos in Cameroon also in Africa has the similar characteristics as Lake Kivu. The only difference being Lake Nyos has had an explosion that claimed 1,700 lives in 1986. The main cause of a methane explosion in these lakes would be a volcanic eruption in the lake beds.

Lake Kivu could explode anytime but the locals have no choice but live on the shores of this dangerous lake.

But the government in Rwanda plans to take this curse and turn it into a useful source of energy. The Kivuwatt Biogas Project is working on finding a safe way to remove the methane gas and use it to supply energy to Rwanda. At present, only 20% of the population has electricity and if this plan succeeds power will be available to almost all of Rwanda.

2. Somalia, Africa

Somalia is a country of unending disease, famine, failing governments and thriving terrorist factions. All these combined together make for a failed State and the people’s constant suffering. Somalia has seen only 6 months of peace in the last two decades.

Ever since the civil war in 1990s, Somalia has been struggling to keep its people alive with two dozen warring groups tearing the country apart.

Famine is one of the saddest things mankind faces and from the year 2010 to 2012 Somalia lost 260,000 people to famine. Somalia has also been named the most failed state in the world. To give you an example of how bad things are in Somalia – when you land in the capital of Somalia, Mogadishu you fill out a form for name, address and caliber of weapon. No jokes, Jeffrey Gettlemen from The New York Post mentioned this in his multiple visits to the Country.

Somalia is filled with illiterate people who can’t fend for themselves and teenagers with bullets as toys and an addiction to ‘khat’ a Somalian drug. The life of the people here is saddening and the world is only watching.

3. Philippines

A Southeast Asian Country in the Western Pacific comprising of more than 7,000 islands. The Philippines is a magnet for natural disasters and the fourth most disaster prone countries in the World. It has been recorded in the past two decades the Philippines faced 274 natural disasters. In all the disasters that have struck the Philippines, it has affected the lives of over 130 billion people, all totaled. The Filipinos were struck with the worst recorded disaster in their country in 2013.

Typhoon Haiyan has been considered as one of the strongest typhoons in the world. This typhoon ripped through the islands of Philippines. The tragic incident claimed the lives of more than 6,000 people, injuring 27,000. This being the worst natural disaster the Philippines had to deal with, they have also faced a number of earthquakes and Tsunami’s due to underwater volcanic eruptions and storms.

Raskol Gand Members

4. Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is on the bottom of the list of livable places in the world. Papua New Guinea is a country where the humans as your biggest danger. The island is located in the Southwestern pacific and is home to a number of notorious criminals. The island is known for the consistent prevalence of murders, carjackings and rampant cases of HIV.

To understand the heights of danger in Papua New Guinea, in 2003, a woman met with an accident in a car in Port Morseby and was pulled out from the car just to be assaulted. The capital, Port Morseby is a devastating city with 60% unemployment and the street filled with Raskol gang members.

The country is sadly filled with prideful rapists, ever willing to boast about what they’ve done and even pose for pictures. Two thirds of women in Papua New Guniea are subjected to some sort of violence. Unfortunately, not just women but even minor girls have been assaulted. Everyone out of four girls is under twelve years and one in ten are under the age of eight. To add fuel to the fire even once these women find refuge elsewhere and attempt to get the medical help, they can’t due to the poverty and lack of supplies in the Country.

The world is filled with danger all across the planet, the natural disasters are unexpected and can not be fully controlled but what about the human terror?