Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, on the 1st of June, imposed a new rule for the Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) in Uttar Pradesh.

According to Yogi’s new rule, the use of mobile phones is banned for his Cabinet Ministers during any official or Cabinet meetings.

Mr. Aditynath took the decision to ensure the ministers pay attention to the issues being discussed at the meeting.

An official member of Adityanath’s Secretariat said, “The Chief Minister wants all ministers should focus on issues that are discussed in the cabinet meetings. They should not get distracted by their mobile phones. Some ministers have been busy reading messages on WhatsApp during the meetings.”

According to sources, another reason behind the ban is to ensure any information from the meeting is not leaked through electronic gadgets and hacking.

Now, the ministers going for any official meetings will have to deposit their phones outside, for which they will get a token.

After the meeting is over, they can take their mobile phones back.

Stay tuned for further updates.