The Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC,) on the 6th of April, demanded strict action against S.K. Joshi, the Chief Secretary of Telangana, for violating the Model Code of Conduct (MCC.)

G. Niranjan, the Convenor of the Election Commission Coordination Committee of the TPCC, wrote a letter to the Election Commission of India (ECI,) complaining against S.K. Joshi.

Ae per the letter, S.K. Joshi, at the Secretariat, released a report of 91 pages, which mentions the Telangana Government’s initiatives and performance.

The action of the Telangana Chief Secretary, on the 5th of April, came just a few days ahead of the Telangana Lok Sabha election and is said to be against the MCC.

The MCC is a set of guidelines which every political party needs to follow for conducting their election campaigns.

The MCC comes into action as soon as the ECI announces the dates of the elections and lasts till the results of the elections are declared.

In the letter to Sunil Arora, the Chief Election Commissioner of the ECI, Niranjan wrote, “The report titled Towards Golden Telangana contains information of all the important schemes launched by the State Government under the leadership of Chief Minister K. Chandrasekar Rao. The report also contains snapshots along with relevant statistics, on all projects like Kaleswaram Lift Irrigation Scheme, Welfare Schemes like Rythu Bandhu, Mission Bhagiratha, Industrial Initiatives, like TS IPASS as well as milestones achieved in various sectors like education, agriculture, power generation, and women empowerment sector.”

Niranjan requested the ECI to take action against Mr. Joshi, who intentionally announced the report to benefit the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections.

Telangana will contest a total of 17 seats in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, scheduled to be held on the 11th of April.

The major parties contesting the Lok Sabha elections in Telangana are the TRS, the Indian National Congress (INC) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP.)

The results of the Telangana Lok Sabha elections will be declared on the 23rd of May 2019.

Stay tuned for further updates about the Telangana Lok Sabha elections.