Vijayawada: The administration and police in the NTR district are ramping up efforts to clamp down on the illegal transportation of cash and valuables across state borders. Collector S Dilli Rao and Commissioner Kanthi Rana Tata recently conducted surprise inspections at various border checkposts to assess their effectiveness.

With 21 such checkposts scattered throughout the district, daily inspections are ensuring strict compliance with regulations.

Emphasizing the significance of thorough inspections, Collector Dilli Rao highlighted the need to scrutinize suspicious vehicles for illicit items such as cash, pressure cookers, silver coins, sarees, and precious metals.

Commissioner Kanthi Rana underscored the deployment of 42 flying squads tasked with monitoring vehicles suspected of illegal activities. He also reminded the public of Election Commission guidelines which prohibit carrying cash exceeding Rs. 50,000 without proper authorization.

These efforts have yielded tangible results, with authorities seizing Rs. 1 crore in cash and 2.5 kilograms of gold. These seizures serve as a testament to the efficacy of border checks in thwarting unlawful activities and preserving the integrity of the region.