Amaravati: Nara Lokesh, said that he understood the challenges encountered by Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs) during the Yuvagalam Padayatra. Lokesh assured that these issues would be promptly addressed within the first hundred days of a TDP government’s formation.

During a direct interaction with representatives of RMPs and the Medical Shops Association at his residence in Undavalli, Lokesh reiterated his commitment to resolving their grievances. He highlighted the need for enhanced training and recognition for RMPs, citing the previous TDP government’s efforts through Government Order No. 429 (G.O. 429), which was discontinued under the current administration.

Lokesh pledged to collaborate with medical associations to restore G.O. 429 and address ongoing challenges, including police harassment and excessive taxation on medical shops. He urged RMPs to engage with government health programs and called for an end to their mistreatment. Additionally, Lokesh appealed to the Medical Shops Association to consider constructing a dedicated building for their operations, emphasizing the importance of collective action in overcoming obstacles faced by healthcare professionals.