A Reddit user shared a WhatsApp chat with his boss, where he has been lectured for using ‘Hey’ instead of ‘Hi’ or a work message.

The user captioned the shared chat as, “How do you react to this? and how the hell is ‘Hey’ isn’t professional?” Notably, to a question, “Have you submitted the test,” the user replied, “Hey, No. not yet”.

The subordinate further said, “Hi Shreyas, my name is Sandeep. Please don’t you the word ‘hey’. It’s offensive for me,” the boss said. He added, “If you cannot remember my name, simply use ‘Hi’.”

Another response from the senior mentioned a list of words that should not be used professionally, including “dude”, “man”, only “hello” and “hi there”. He also said that “chap” and “chick” should be avoided in emails.

Shreyas defended himself, saying, “Well, considering that we are having a conversation over WhatsApp and not over LinkedIn or a mail chain. I’m just being casual as you are texting me on my personal number. And coming to being professional I’m not the one being offended.”
The boss retorted, “Whatsapp is not personal space anymore, it has been used for business. I am not insisting my ideology on you. If you understand it, fine; or you will understand it sooner or later,” and added a slightly smiling face emoji.
Shreyas asked Redditors, “How do you react to this? and how the hell is Hey isn’t professional?”

which received mixed responses from netizens.

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