Hyderabad: Chief Minister Revanth Reddy of Telangana has strongly criticized the issuance of notices by the Delhi Police to several individuals, including himself, in connection with the Amit video morphing case. Reacting to the notices, Reddy accused the Delhi Police of targeting those who oppose the BJP, suggesting political motives behind the actions.

Reddy asserted that the notices were issued under the guise of questioning BJP activities, portraying it as an attempt to suppress dissenting voices. He went on to allege a pattern of using law enforcement agencies by the ruling party, citing previous instances involving the CBI and ED.

Expressing confidence in the upcoming elections, Reddy confidently predicted the defeat of the BJP in Telangana and Karnataka. He emphasized that there is no fear among those opposing the BJP’s tactics, reaffirming his commitment to standing up against what he perceives as unjust actions by the ruling party.

As tensions rise amidst political maneuvering, Reddy’s statements underscore the ongoing power struggles and controversies surrounding the BJP’s activities in the region.