Vijayawada: In a significant move aimed at bolstering its grassroots outreach, the Andhra Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) launched the ‘Gadapa-Gadapaku Congress Party’ door-to-door campaign program on Saturday. YS Sharmila Reddy, President of the AP Congress, announced that the party would initiate 9 guarantees upon assuming power.

Addressing the press, Sharmila Reddy revealed that a staggering total of 1500 applications were received from aspiring candidates across 175 constituencies. Emphasizing the party’s commitment to grassroots engagement, she stressed that those who fail to contribute to the victory of the Congress Party would not find forgiveness in history.

Furthermore, she disclosed that surveys are underway to scrutinize individuals accused of corruption, with the opinions of national leaders being taken into consideration during candidate selection. Sharmila Reddy underscored the importance of candidates’ work experience in the selection process, highlighting the party’s democratic approach to candidate selection.

Asserting the inclusive nature of the Congress Party, she stated, “This is not a Congress Party that revolves around one individual.” She reiterated that candidate selection is conducted democratically, reflecting the party’s commitment to fairness and transparency in its organizational processes.