Amit Malviya, a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP,) took to Twitter and advised Rahul Gandhi, the former President of the Indian National Congress (INC,) to think about the Party.

Mr. Malviya took to Twitter and asked Rahul Gandhi not to worry about the BJP and focus on the INC’s plan of action after losing against the BJP.

The criticism started after Rahul Gandhi posted a tweet on his Twitter handle.

Rahul Gandhi’s tweet read, “The Congress Party may have just 52 Lok Sabha members, but we will work together like a pride of brave hearted lions to protect our Constitution & Institutions and to fearlessly do our duty as the leading Opposition party. The BJP will have no walkover in Parliament.”

This tweet was meant for all the alliance parties of the INC, asking them to fight like a lion against the leading BJP.

Apart from Rahul Gandhi, Randeep Singh Surjewala also took to Twitter and blamed the BJP for increasing the rates of gas cylinders for the public.

After the first Cabinet meeting of the BJP Government, the prices of gas cylinders were increased. For the people who have a subsidy of the cylinders, the price went up by Rs. 2.08 for those with subsidy, whereas for those without subsidy, the price went up by Rs. 42.50.

The INC has a total of 52 MPs in the Lok Sabha after winning the elections, which were held from the 11th of April and continued till the 19th of May.

After the Lok Sabha elections, on the 1st of June, the Congress Parliamentary Party (CPP) conducted an official meeting and elected Sonia Gandhi as the Chairperson of the CPP.

The INC is also expected to elect its President soon and draft a plan of action to stand strong against the opposition party.

Stay tuned for further updates.