Hidden within the monotony of everyday marauding are the heroes and heroines who have hidden within them the stories untold of their bravery, determination and courage. One such soul lives in Pune, who has broken every barrier, every conformity to live life on her own terms. This 79 year old inspiration was found out by the popular social site Humans of India and her story was told.

Born and brought up in Pune, she rejected the concept of marriage early on when the groom used to come and choose brides on how well they could keep the tea hot and their voices unheard. She clearly told her father that she would herself find a math when the time came. But life had other plans for her as she fell in love with travelling. She was the only contestant to have participated in the Nagpur to Mumbai rally and one of the many who wrote her own destiny.

Pune driver humans of pune india

Read her full story here.

I didn’t get married. Because in our time, the traditional system where the boy comes to see the girl over tea, was what decided the marriage. Since I didn’t agree with that, I told my father that I won’t get married this way. But if I do happen to like somebody, I will tell him honestly. And he respected my wishes. Eventually I did meet a few people who I liked, but I never asked them, and life moved on. But I have so many social contact, that I’ve never felt lonely at all!”

Now, I have been working with traffic control for the last 16 years. The traffic in Pune is hardly disciplined, so as a help to the police force, we started working under a trust called ‘Nirdhaar’. In the year 2000, we started a scheme called ‘Schoolgate Volunteers’ under which we regulate the traffic outside schools when during its opening and closing hours. I go to three such places throughout the day. I am 79 years old, but I’ve decided that I will continue doing this job till my body supports me.

I love driving. I have participated in many rallies and have won many trophies as well. My first rally was on a scooter .In 1970, I took part in the rally from Nagpur to Mumbai, where I covered 896 km on my Vespa. I was the only female participant from all over India. Since then, this has become my passion. I’ve taken the scooter to Tasgaon, Sangli, BIjapur; driven my 1934 Austin to Bombay and Hyderabad; and taken this Ambassador to Ratnagiri in 7 hours. I’ve decided that once I retire from this traffic control job, I will drive to the Vidarbha – Marathwada region, since I’ve never explored those parts of India.