“Everyone’s a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing its stupid”, says motivational artist Prince EA in his latest video. He plays the role of a lawyer in a courtroom who sues the educational school system. Prince EA speaks about all that is wrong with the current school system, and he does it with a beautiful rap.

In an eye-opening rap song he speaks of school systems treatment of young children who are forced to submit to the rules and records set by the system– to be deemed intelligent. He says the creativity and natural intelligence of students are subdued to make space for what the system feels to be a proper education, and the educational processes haven’t changed in a century. Although he speaks mainly of education systems in the United States of America, certain parallels can be drawn to the Indian system as well.

A big relax to the students of Telangana State as the government will release the results today. Education minister Kadiam Srihari

The world has progressed and there’s a need for people who think creatively, innovatively, independently and with the ability to connect with one another, Prince says teachers have one of the most important jobs in the world, but they still don’t get paid accordingly.

Is it time for a change in education systems throughout the world?

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