Good news for all the people who suffer Hangover the next morning after having a great party. A U.K., Based Professor David Nutt has created a new type of hangover free alcohol called ‘Alcosynth’ which doesn’t have negative effects like hangovers, nausea and dry mouth. It is also said to maintain all the positive qualities of alcohol.



Nutt who is a former government drug advisor, told The Independent that he has patented around 90 different Alcosynth compounds out of which two of them are being tested for widespread use.

He also stated that by 2050, Alcosynth could replace all other normal alcohol.

Though drinking is the third biggest risk factor after smoking and obesity, governments never prohibit as it makes so much of money from conventional alcohol.

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Professor David Nutt. Neuropsychopharmacology.

Professor Nutt was fired from his position as a Government Drug advisor in 2009 for claiming Ecstasy was less dangerous than riding a horse. He even stated that he was not sure if this synthetic alcohol would be restricted.