Bikini, the two piece swimsuit was introduced by a French engineer, Louis Reard and first modeled by Micheline Bernardini on 5th July 1946. Micheline Bernardini was a nude dancer at a casino before agreeing to model the Bikini.


Louis named this two piece costume after the Bikini Atoll, an American nuclear bomb testing site.  Reard  said the revelation of this costume, would bring explosive cultural reaction similar to the 1946 nuclear explosion at Bikini Atoll.


Bikini Atoll is an area located in the Marshall Islands, in the Pacific. It totally consists of 23 Islands.


Between the period of 1946 and 1958, The United States detonated 23 nuclear devices at 7 testing sites located in the Atoll.


In 1996, the Bikini Counsel allowed diving operations, after fifty years, to generate income for the islanders.

Culture at Bikini Atoll

The Bikini Islanders used to lead a very basic life where men use to wear a fringe skirt of native materials, women traditionally wore two mats about a yard each and children were usually naked.

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