Another year has come and another beginning to make the most of. After saying goodbye to an arduous 2016 it is now time to set our sight and hope on the coming year – 2017! And a new year means new beginnings. It is a chance to try something new, learn something more. So let us look at some of the best things you can learn through these 12 months. The New Year beckons.

  1. Get Healthy/Stay Fit: We had to start with a cliché, didn’t we? Nevertheless it is a necessary one. People who have put on those few pounds during Dussera, Diwali, Christmas and New Year’s need to sweat it out. Those who have avoided the temptation need to keep going. It doesn’t have to be within the four walls of a gym as you look at your reflection in the mirrors with disgust. Get out, go for a run, take your dog for an early morning walk. Breathe in the fresh air. But being healthy shouldn’t just be a physical resolution. We must all try to be as healthy in the mind as in the body. Meditate you way to peace and healthy heart. Find that oneness with yourself.

best new year resolutions 2017 get healthy stay fit

  1. Learn Something New: Each New Year is a promise of something new to start. One of the best ways to make use of it is to inculcate a fresh hobby. It can be a language or instrument or an activity. Imagine wishing people in Spanish! Feliz año Nuevo. Or playing a killer sequence on the drums. Badam tiss! Or presenting your own plate of risotto. Yum! Get our drift yet? A new passion can always come in handy, notwithstanding how much more cooler your resume looks with that list! On a more scientific level, it keeps your brain active and open to mould itself to change. And change is always constant.

best new year resolutons 2017 learning something new cooking

  1. Satiate your Wanderlust: When was the last time you booked an impromptu trip with friends or family or even alone? Seems quite long ago doesn’t it? Unless you are already a travel junkie in which case you might be reading this from Vietnam or somewhere! But if not, 2017 might be a good time to come out of that well and have a proper look around. We have a beautiful world that is meant to be explored. And if you are broke as hell, then you can always start reading about the travels of others. If not through the corridors, then through the pages. You can check off two things on your list – travelling and reading!

best new year resolutions 2017 travel

  1. Tie up the Loose Ends: More often than not, we start a new year with much anticipation and promise that this year we will not make any mistakes and keep ourselves organized. Well, sorry to burst the bubble but we are only human. Mistake may well happen. But the important point is to learn from them. Took a bad loan? Try to pay it off as early as you can. Made a mess at office? Apologize and work harder. Fights with loved ones? Make sure you love them more than you fight. You have go to work to make the positives more than the negatives.

beat new year resolutions 2017 get organized

  1. Be Kind: Talking about positives, maybe the most important resolution of all that we must strive to reign into our characters every second is to be a better person. This should be a part of our daily activity. Help an older person, give charity, surprise your colleagues with free food. The list is pretty endless. And this is the only resolution which will give you instant gratification and also help in the long run. Help one or help a hundred, but take that first step. Guess what? It costs nothing but is priceless!

best new year resolutions 2017 be kind

Have we missed out any more awesome New Year resolutions? Comment below and let us know!

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