With the era of Trump and ISIS, many of us are probably living in the shadow of sadness. Every other day brings news of negativity. But the world is not just painted in strokes of grey and black as we make it out to be. There are other brilliant good strokes. Masterpieces of mauve hidden behind the black, colours of crimson waiting to light your day up. So we took it upon ourselves to bring that pocketful of sunshine to you today through stories untold that might just make your day!

One of the most impactful things that might have happened in the recent past was a collaboration of yin and yang that no one would have thought of. An assaulter and his victim came together to write their story and get over the grief together. Thordis Elva, from Iceland, was assaulted by Australian foreign exchange student, Tom Stranger in 1996. She was just 16 and Tom was her boyfriend at 18. They had encounters that would consequently pain them but they rose out of it. Nine years later, Thordis broke down and finally opened a channel of communication with Tom that led to both of them accepting what had happened and eventually writing a book about their journey, South of Forgiveness.

thordis and tom - all things good

As Thordis and Tom were scrubbing their life clean, so were a group of youngsters in a subway in New York. Determined to wash away the hateful graffiti that often besmirches the travel pod, Gregory Locke’s friends took matters into their hands when they saw the Swastika Symbol (akin to the Nazi rule) scribbled all over. In his words, “I got on the subway in Manhattan tonight and found a Swastika on every advertisement and every window. The train was silent as everyone stared at each other, uncomfortable and unsure what to do. One guy got up and said, “Hand sanitizer gets rid of Sharpie. We need alcohol.” He found some tissues and got to work. I’ve never seen so many people simultaneously reach into their bags and pockets looking for tissues and Purel. Within about two minutes, all the Nazi symbolism was gone.” Love ‘Trumps’ Hate for sure.

new york subway - all things good subway new york - all things good

This is just one of the many stories of human goodness that creeps into our lives. For example, Meir Kay, a motivational speaker and YouTube actor, thought that goodness doesn’t have to just lurk about on Christmas. Super Bowl Sunday was just as good of an occasion to do something benevolent. So he set out on the streets to invite homeless men to the 230 Fifth Roof Top and Bar restaurant where they were treated to Patriots jerseys, drinks, a buffet of classically delicious Super Bowl snacks, and prime seats for watching the game. “There’s no race or finish line,” says Meir. “We’re all on the same team and for any team to succeed, they need to have each other’s back, to work together and move forward as one. It’s not always about money – a kind word, some food, a drink, a conversation goes a long way. We must do what we can do make this world a brighter place a more positive, happier world and that begins with you.

superbowl sunday homeless - all things good

The world does seem it could be a better place, doesn’t it? Better still if we could see the light of the day when the first ever female President of United States takes her oath. And that seems to have been set in motion already! Hillary might have lost the hike but there is another woman steadily trekking to the top. Meet Kamala Harris – California’s new senator who is winning hearts with her poise and popular politics. Her name was also apparently nominated for roles of California governor, Supreme Court justice and Vice President. The attorney has waged a state wide campaign to reduce school truancy, eliminate the state’s backlog of untested assault kits, successfully sued the for profit Corinthian Colleges to the tune of $1.1 billion and negotiated a mortgage relief settlement on behalf of California homeowners. She is a champion of gay right and a charmer in herself. Kamla might well be the next big thing that is good and that is awaited.

kamala harris - all things good

Want some more? Then how about six homeless men being given a chance to walk the ramp to raise awareness about shelter homes in Winnipeg under the Runway to Change fashion show? Or Cristiano Ronaldo setting up his favourite Real Madrid jersey for auction to save a pet shelter? Or just the every kindness that you encounter as you make your way to your workplace? All these and more are a proof that goodness stills exists and no matter how dark the clouds of depression hover, the sun is bound to break out. So hold on, not because it is going to get better but because it already is!