The Union Cabinet declared triple talaq as an offence on Wednesday. The ordinance was passed after the bill was not passed through both the houses of the Parliament.

According to the ordinance, triple talaq is a punishable offence with three years’ imprisonment. Any Muslim man who initiates triple talaq, either orally (face to face or through a phone call), or through writing using a form of any social media, will face the consequences. Along with imprisonment, the man will also be liable for the livelihood of the woman, including the custodial rights of the minor children. A case under the bill will be valid only if the wife or any blood relative file a complaint. It is a non bail offence, wherein bail can only be granted by the magistrate on the plea of the wife. The case will be closed if the pair agrees to a settlement.

The ordinance which is officially called the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill was passed by the Lok Sabha in the month of December last year. It was withheld by the Rajya Sabha due to conflicts with the opposition belonging to the Congress party.

The opposition party commented on the current bill’s laws which indicate imprisonment. They said taking the man of the house may leave the woman on her own which may lead to financial issues and affect her livelihood. The Congress party told Law Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad if the Government takes the responsibility for the survival of the Muslim women then they can support the bill. The Central Government nullified the rejection of the opposition party with the majority support of the state governments.

The amendments to the bill came into existence after the Supreme Court, on the 22nd of August last year, obstructed the triple talaq stating it is illegal.