The Jammu and Kashmir Police Chief S. P. Vaid was removed from his post on Thursday. He was part of a reshuffle at the top level of the state police by the Center. Last week, family member’s of the state’s policemen were kidnapped and a terrorist’s father was released in exchange for the hostages.

Mr. Vaid was replaced by Director General of Prison Dilbagh Singh. The State Intelligence Chief Abdul Gani Mir was also replaced by Dr. B. Srinivas on Tuesday.

Three policemen and their relatives were kidnapped by the terrorist in South Kashmir last week. The policemen’s family were released in return for the Commander Riyaz Naikoo who is the father of Hizbul Mujahideen. Naikoo was held by the State’s police and was silently released in a hostage bargain.

The Home Ministry sources stated, “The release of terrorists is believed to have hugely affected the morale of the rank and file of the Jammu and Kashmir police.” The statement further added, “The top officers of the department misjudged the impact of the decision.”

The Center and Mr. Vaid have been facing several differences with the rise in terrorist attacks in Jammu and Kashmir. Mr Vaid lodged a strong protest against State Government and Union Home Secretary.