On the 24th of February, the Prime Minister’s Office of Pakistan, released a statement, which read, Pakistan wants peace and will punish the accused terrorists in the Pulwama terror attack case, if provided with accurate pieces of evidence.

The statement read, “PM Imran Khan stands by his words that if India gives us actionable intelligence, we will immediately act.”

Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, on the 24th of February, asked Prime Minister Narendra Modi to give a chance to peace.

Mr. Khan also assured India, if Delhi gives an accurate intelligence report and evidence regarding the Pulwama terror attack, the Pakistan Government will take the necessary steps.

The Pulwama terror attack, which took place on the 14th of February, killed 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) jawans, who were seated in a convoy of 78 vehicles. Adil Ahmad Dar, a suicide attacker belonging to Jaish e Mohammad (JeM,) a terrorist group, rammed a Mahindra Scorpio full of 350 kg explosives into a bus, which was a part of the convoy.

The offer for peace talks by Imran Khan came after Narendra Modi challenged Pakistan to punish the perpetrators.

Mr. Modi, on the 24th of February, addressed a public rally and said, “There is consensus in the entire world against terrorism. We are moving ahead with strength to punish the perpetrators of terrorism… The scores will be settled this time, settled for good…This is a changed India, this pain will not be tolerated…We know how to crush terrorism.”

Mr. Modi also challenged Imran Khan to take action against the terrorist group, if he is a Pathan’s son.

Mr. Khan asked for a proper report with strong evidence in the context of the Pulwama terror attack and based on this proof, the Pakistan Government should take the necessary steps. He also warned Delhi, not to launch any retaliatory actions.

However, India deemed Khan’s words as a “lame excuse” to escape the situation and blamed Pakistan for not taking a stand on the issue even after it is clear, the JeM was behind the attack.

The Ministry of External Affairs of India said, “It is a well known fact that Jaish e Mohammed and its leader Masood Azhar are based in Pakistan. These should be sufficient proof for Pakistan to take action.”

The Ministry further highlighted the previous attack, the 26/11 Mumbai blast, and said, after the 26/11 attack, proof was provided to the Pakistan Government, but it did not do anything. Even after 10 years, the case is still pending, without any progress.

It is not the first time such incidents have proved to be a hurdle for holding peace talks between Pakistan and India.

The major issue between India and Pakistan since the bifurcation in 1947 is regarding the land in Kashmir and terrorism.

Both India and Pakistan need to find a permanent solution to end these issues.