A Hyderabad Court gave the final verdict in the twin bomb blast case on Monday evening. The two convicted men were sentenced to death and one sentenced to life imprisonment.

Second Additional Metropolitan Sessions Judge T. Srinivasa Rao at a special courtroom set up in Cherlapally Central Prison sentenced convicted Akbar Ismail Chowdhary and Anique Shafique Syeed to death. The third accused, Tariq Anjum who was convicted for giving shelter to the two men after the bomb blast was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Anique Shafique’s Lawyer Gundam Gurumurthy was disappointed and said that they will move the High Court to challenge the judgment.

The case was investigated by the Counter Intelligence (CI) wing of the Telangana Police. They concluded that the blast was the handiwork of the Indian Mujahideen (IM) operatives Riyaz Baikal and Iqbal Bathkal who are the absconding accused in the case.

The judgment was a relief to the victim’s families who waited years for justice. The Hyderabad twin blast at Gokul Chat and Lumbini Park took 44 lives and left 68 people injured.