Sajid Javid, the United Kingdom (U.K.) Home Secretary, on the 3rd of February, approved the extradition of business tycoon Vijay Mallya to India.

Mr. Javid signed the order to send back Vijay Mallya to India, after the Indian Government requested the latter’s extradition in February 2017.

The U.K. Home Office released a statement, “On the 3rd of February, the Secretary of State, having carefully considered all relevant matters, signed the order for Vijay Mallya’s extradition to India.”

Vijay Mallya, the owner of Kingfisher Airlines, is facing legal charges since 2016. He defaulted loans amounting to Rs. 9,000 crores, taken from various banks in India.

According to sources, Mallya can appeal for a leave in the U.K. High Court within 14 days from now and failure to do so will lead to him being extradited to India. The appeal for a leave will be applicable only if the High Court grants the permission for the same.

Mr. Mallya said, “The anticipated appeal process starts 14 days from now. I can now appeal the Westminster magistrate’s order. I could not do so till the home secretary made a decision. After the court decision I said I would appeal and now I can.”

According to the Statute, the anticipated appeal for a leave can be applied within 14 days of the judgement. The appeal will go to the High Court and if the Court rejects the plea, the person can appeal to the Supreme Court (SC) for the same.

If the appeal for the leave gets rejected by the U.K. High Court, the Indian Government will extradite Mr. Mallya within 28 days of the Home Secretary’s judgement.

Stay tuned for further updates.