In a shocking horrific incident, six people of a family died in a shootout over a long pending land dispute in Morena on Friday morning.

The deceased include three women and three men. While two others, who sustained severe injuries, were rushed to the hospital and are said to be critical.

The incident was reported at Lepa village of Sihonia police station area. Armed with guns, bullets and goons, accused Dheer Singh attacked his rival Gajendra Singh’s family on Friday morning. In the video, some aides of Dheer Singh can be seen thrashing family members of Gajendra Singh’s family with sticks as women continued to plead for help. The video further shows the supporters of the accused firing shots on the victim’s family, killing three men and three women of his clan.

Police officers rushed to the spot as soon as they received the information.

Additional Superintendent of Police Rai Singh Narwaria said that the dispute dates back to 2013, when sons of Dheer Singh and Gajendra Singh entered into a heated argument. During the dispute, two members of the Dheer Singh’s side were killed and the matter reached the court. Following this, a few family members of accused Gajendra Singh were jailed while others left the village with an aim to live a peaceful life.

However, a few days ago Dheer Singh’s family pretended to compromise. Assuming the situation has pacified, Gajendra Singh’s family shifted back to the village.

Finding the right chance, Dheer Singh–who was waiting to take a revenge, along with his aides attacked the Gajendra Singh’s family on Friday, killing 6 people of his clan.

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