Manpreet Singh, a 32 year old Indian tourist, visiting Australia was arrested and sentenced to two months imprisonment, on the 31st of January.

Manpreet Singh, who was travelling from Kuala Lumpur to Perth, Australia, on the 26th of January, allegedly was carrying child exploitation and other abhorrent content on his phone.

According to Australian Associated Press (AAP,) during a baggage search, at Perth Airport, approximately 9 videos of bestiality and several other offensive content were found on Manpreet’s mobile. The security officials immediately seized his two mobiles and cancelled his tourist Visa. Later, he was presented in the Perth Magistrates Court where he admitted his crime. However, Manpreet plead to the Magistrate and said, he did not know the videos on his phone falls under the category of child exploitation or child pornography.

The Perth Court found him guilty and sentenced 2 months imprisonment to Manpreet Singh, with a penalty of $ 500. After his sentenced imprisonment, Singh will be deported back to India.

Rod O’ Donnell, the Regional Commander of the Australian Border Force (ABF) of Western Australia, expressed concern to the individuals involved in such illegal activities, which are offensive crimes in Australia. He said, “Visitors need to be aware that possession of objectionable material is viewed very seriously under Australian law. He further said, “Tackling child exploitation is an operational priority for the ABF and our officers are highly skilled at identifying people at our airports who are attempting to carry this abhorrent material across the border.”

The penalty for such illegal activities of carrying child exploitation material across borders is 10 years imprisonment and/or a fine of up to $ 5,25,000.