The Current Guinness record holder, Pauline Potter who weighed 292 kg (643 lb) in 2010 is unfortunately not the heaviest woman on the earth. Yes, you heard it right! An Egyptian woman has added 200 kgs to Pauline’s record as she weighs 500 kg (1,102lbs.)

The 36-year-old Egyptian woman, Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty, will be flown on a chartered plane to Mumbai where the surgery will be operated by Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala. Dr. Muffazal is a bariatric surgeon and has helped in managing the expenses of the flight by raising funds as Eman’s family could not afford the cost of chartering a flight. Initially, Abd El’s visa was denied by the Indian embassy in Cairo because of her inability to travel alone. But after Dr. Muffazal tweeted to India’s Foreign Minister, Dr. Lakdawala started getting positive tweets. In fact, Sushma Swaraj, India’s External Affairs minister who is currently waiting for her kidney transplant, tweeted back and offered to help.
he 36-year-old Egyptian woman, Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty, will be flown on a chartered plane to Mumbai where the surgery will be operated by Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala

The 36-year-old Egyptian woman, Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty, will be flown on a chartered plane to Mumbai where the surgery will be operated by Dr. Muffazal Lakdawala

Abd El has not been able to leave home for 25 years because of her weight condition and this surgery will be a turning point in her life. Dr. Lakdawala had earlier performed bariatric surgery on Indian Minister Nitin Gadkari and Venkaiah Naidu and is confident about the upcoming surgery. Abd El weighed 5 kg (11 lbs) when she was born and was diagnosed with elephantiasis. Dr. Lakdawala told a daily, that  Abd El’s family told him about her condition and that she gained immense weight when she was 11 and could not stand. Later Abd El suffered a stroke and was bedridden she could not leave home since then.
Dr. Lakdawala said to a daily, “We are expecting to fly her to Mumbai next week as soon as the formalities are over.” He further added saying, “She would need to remain in Mumbai for two to three months for the surgery and treatment after which she would be able to return home, but it would take two to three years to bring her body weight (to) under 100 kg.”
This surgery will probably be the most critical moment Abd El’s life and its success will change her life forever.

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