The United Nation (UN,) in the year 1989, declared July 11 as the World Population Day. Since then, this day marks an important event to create awareness about population related issues across the globe.

This year the theme is ‘Family Planning is a Human Right.’ The aim is to spread information on issues of overpopulation, birth control and under population. Family Planning was first globally considered to be a human right in the year 1968. In 2018, after 50 years, the urgency to work towards family planning has been realized as the world population is currently surpassing 7 billion at fast pace growth of 83 million people every year.

The Executive Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA,) Natalia Kanem pushed this year’s theme further and said, “Family Planning is not only a matter of human rights; it is also central to women’s empowerment, reducing poverty and achieving sustainable development.”

According to UNFPA, 214 million women across developing countries still lack safe and effective family planning. Lack of availability of information, unsupportive families and communities are the main reasons for a lacking awareness about family planning.

According to a report on UN News, the UNFPA supports family planning in developing countries by providing the supply of modern contraceptives, strengthening national health systems and promoting gender equality. It endorses the rights of women to plan their families.