In a rally at Florida on Friday, U.S., President-elect Donald Trump promised his administration would create “safe zones” in Syria. He also said, that he with his team, would try and help civilians stuck in the conflict Syria faces. Speaking about this promise, President Obama said, it was too hard to put in action.

Syria has been amidst a war since 2011, President Obama and President-elect Donald Trump spoke on different occasions about this subject after the evacuations of Aleppo came to a halt on Friday– especially after violations in of the ceasefire agreement.

We will create safe zones in Syria- Trump Promised at Florida Rally

We will create safe zones in Syria! Trump Promised at Florida Rally

Trump, who takes the Oval Office on January 20 said,“We’re going to try and patch that up and we’re going to try and help people.” In regard to the expenses for this, he said, “We’re going to get the Gulf States to pay for the safe zones.”

This promise, however, President Barack Obama said is not possible. He said that idea was a constant challenge as safe zones require ground protection, which neither the Syrian government or the supporters from Moscow or Tehran would readily accept. Mr. Obama, who has been constantly occupied with this conflict during his tenure as President said, “I cannot say that we’ve been successful. And that along with many other world problems is something I have to go to bed with every night.” He also said that he hoped Syria and Russia would help in evacuating the remaining residents of Aleppo to flee under international pressure.

President Barack Obama contradict the statement made by Trump. Says' It is a continuous challenge and next to impossible.

President Barack Obama contradicts the statement made by Trump. Says’ It is a continuous challenge and next to impossible.

Obama, who served for 8 years as United States President, in his campaign promised to bring back troops from the Middle east. He said US’s involvement in this crisis would only happen if they were ‘All in and willing to take over Syria’. Blaming Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Obama said, “Responsibility for this brutality lies in one place alone: with the Assad regime and its allies, Russia and Iran,” he added, “This blood, and these atrocities, are on their hands.” Defending his opinion about the Syrian President Obama said, “Everything else was tempting because we wanted to do something and it sounded like the right thing to do, but it was going to be impossible to do this on the cheap.”

While President-elect Trump nor his transition team gave any statement about ‘The Wall’ between USA and Mexico, he has promised to build safe zones in Syria, which is next to impossible.