No doubt, not only America but also the whole world mourned as President Barack Obama left the White House finally yesterday just before the swearing in of Donald Trump that will take place at 11:00 A.M., EST. But before that last goodbye to Obama and his family, let us take a look at what all has he achieved in this 8 years of his impeccable and honored service.

  1. The Obamacare – Affordable Healthcare Act

After a century of failure to provide a standardized health care act that worked for all, Obama finally did it in 2010 when a single act passed catered to cover 32 million uninsured Americans beginning in 2014. This helped with the fiscal problems of many middle-class Americans for whom health care and insurance was a big pain point.

obama obamacare

  1. Elimination of Osama Bin Laden

2011 brought in the encounter of one of the most wanted terrorist, Osama Bin Laden – the mastermind behind the twin tower attacks. An ordered Special Forces raid of secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan also brought a trove of Al-Qaeda documents that was discovered.


  1. Fighting Climate Change

Barack Obama led America and the whole world towards a better future by pitching in the agenda for climate change. At the Paris COP21 meet in 2015, 195 nations jointly agreed to reach the ambitious goals of slowing global warming by reducing greenhouse gases and aiding poor countries adjusting to the negative impact.

Barack Obama

  1. Legalization of same gender marriage

Gays and lesbians throughout the country said “hallelujah” as same gender marriage was legalized on June 26th, 2015 during the time of this dynamic President. “Love won,” the president said, “No matter who you are, here in America, you’re free to marry the person you love because the freedom to marry is now the law in all 50 states.”


  1. Iran Nuclear Deal

In July 2015, Obama took another big step towards restoring peace in the world by shutting down the nuclear arms department of Iran. Six countries along with the United States signed an agreement that doesn’t allow Iran to redesign, convert, and reduce its nuclear facilities. “We succeeded in forging a strong deal to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. In fact, Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium, said Obama after the signing.

iran nuclear deal obama

  1. U.S. – Cuba Relation

“We turned the page on an outdated, half-century-old policy by re-establishing diplomatic relations with Cuba and reopening embassies in both our countries, allowing us to build greater ties between Americans and Cubans,” Mr. Obama said as the U.S. flag flew in Havana for the first time in 54 years. Obama ushered in a new age with Cuba following the unrest during the missile crisis in 1962.

Tourists pass by images of U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro in a banner that reads "Welcome to Cuba" at the entrance of a restaurant in downtown Havana

  1. Revolutionizing the Economy

It was perhaps the most difficult time to become a President when Obama took over the job. It was during the Great Recession and America was spiraling down as far as the economy went. But since he came to power, Obama has done everything to make the life of an average and below average American easy. The government has added 13.7 million jobs to the roster bringing down the unemployment rate by 5%.


  1. Bringing in Dignity and Standards to the Position

Above all, what Barack Obama has done is to redefine how we perceive Presidents. He was warm yet staunch, dedicated yet dynamic. He became a symbol of triumph across the world. Not just he, but even Michelle Obama, Malia Obama and Sasha Obama have given us moments that reflect how one can carry this amount of huge responsibility with grace and gratitude.

new_family_portrait obama

These are just 8 of the milestones that Obama crossed over 8 years of his term at the White House. During this time it has become a haven for Americans and other people alike. Thank you, President Barack Hussein Obama for being what you are and doing what you did.

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