The taxi service Uber has teamed up with NASA to autonomously launch flying electric taxis called UberAIR. They have stated the new rides will be up in the sky by the year 2020.

At the annual Elevate Summit in Los Angeles, Uber announced their new plan called UberAIR. NASA released a statement to inform this was the first agreement with Uber for urban air mobility services.  

Associate Administrator for NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, Jaiwon Shin said, “Urban air mobility could revolutionize the way people and cargo move in our cities and fundamentally change our lifestyle much like smartphones have.”

The taxi service released an advertisement for their flying taxi that shows the advantages of UberAIR. Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi said, “We think cities are going to go vertical in terms of transportation. We want to make that a reality.”

The advertisement features the prototype as it is still in the design phase. The final product might look a little different but the basic plan remains the same.