Donald Trump Jr, 42, tested positive for the deadly Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

The Spokesperson of the Republican Party, released a statement regarding the same and said, “He’s been completely asymptomatic so far and is following all medically recommended COVID-19 guidelines.

Mr. Donald Trump Jr. was diagnosed at the start of this week and is currently isolated at his hunting cabin.

Donald Trump Jr is the eldest son of the 5 children of former President Donald Trump, to test positive for the COVID-19 infection.

Recently, Barron Trump, 14 years old son of Donald Trump was also diagnosed with the virus.

According to sources, besides Don Jr., four other White House aides tested positive for COVID-19.

In addition Don Jr.’s girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, also tested positive for the virus over the summer as the duo campaigned for Donald Trump for elections in the United States of America.

Meanwhile, with 11.8 million positive COVID-19 cases, the U.S.A., is the top worst hit COVID-19 nation. It is also the only nation which crossed 2,50,000 deaths due to the virus.

On the 20th of November itself, the U.S.A., reported 1,92,000 new cases of COVID-19.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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