The United States (U.S.,) National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is soon going to launch an investigation regarding the plane crash which took place on the 8th of January in the Iranian region. 

Amidst the tense situation between Iran and the United States, the Board, on the 9th of January, decided to join the ongoing probe regarding the plane crash.

The U.S., National Transportation Safety Board took to its Twitter and posted a statement which read, the Board “received formal notification from Iran of the crash which occurred on Wednesday.”

The aircraft, a U.S., made Boeing 737 belonging to Ukraine International Airlines, crashed after taking off from Tehran, killing the 179 people on board.  Since the incident took place shortly after the Government of Iran attacked 2 air bases in the Green Zone in western Baghdad, Iraq, where U.S., based troops were residing, there are reports the crash may have been caused because of Iran’s missile strike.

The U.S., agency, which probes all kinds of transport accidents, along with the Iranian agency, would investigate the matter.

Meanwhile, Farhad Parvarez, the representative of Iran at the International Civil Aviation Organisation, said, “I think we should keep this purely technical and not confuse it with political tensions in the region. We should leave it to experts to investigate and make their report.”

The probe regarding the plane crash is underway.

Stay tuned for further updates

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