On the 27th of March, the United States (U.S.) reported a total of 82,400 positive cases of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

The U.S. surpassed China and Italy, both countries had the highest number of COVID-19 cases.  While Italy had 80,500 cases, China reported 81,700 cases.

However, on the 27th of March, Johns Hopkins University reported the highest, 82,400 cases in the world .  Globally, 5,36,820 are COVID-19 infected, 24,117 died due to the illness. Only 1,20,000 people recovered from the illness in the world.

Since the U.S., is having the highest Coronavirus cases President Donald Trump,   requested the House of Representatives to pass 2.2 trillion dollars for the relief package for the citizens.

During the G20 Summit, which was held virtually on the 26th of March, Donald Trump asked the leaders to share information and data, which would be helpful in the prevention of COVID-19.

The G20 Summit,  an international forum of twenty developed or developing nations who gather  to coordinate policies and financial stability in the World.   

Till date, 199 countries are affected by the Novel Coronavirus.

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