In the United States Elections, the Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden is getting closer towards victory.

After winning Michigan and Wisconsin, Joe Biden, the Presidential candidate of the Democratic Party, is close to winning the 2020 U.S., elections.

While Joe Biden secured 264 electoral votes, Donald Trump, the President of the United States of America and member of the Republican Party, secured 214 votes.

To win the 2020 U.S., elections, a candidate needs to secure 270 votes.

According to sources, Donald Trump was disappointed with the elections results and called it a fraud. He even moved the court for the same.

Mr. Trump’s campaign on the 4th of November filed lawsuits in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia, and is likely to also ask for a recount in Wisconsin.

The lawsuits in Michigan and Pennsylvania both demand better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots are being processed and counted, the campaign says.

The campaign of Donald Trump in a statement said, “We have filed suit today in the Michigan Court of Claims to halt counting until meaningful access has been granted. We also demand to review those ballots which were opened and counted while we did not have meaningful access.”

Though Joe Biden is leading in the United States with the highest number of votes, results are still awaited in Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina and Nevada.

The U.S.A., conducted ballot voting for the Presidential elections on the 3rd of November. More than 97 million voters casted their votes.

The counting of votes is underway in several states.

The U.S.A., elections were held for 50 states in which there are 538 electoral colleges.

An electoral college is a group of people, electors, who represent each of the 50 states of the U.S.A., and vote for a president.

Each state is assigned a number of electors based on their population.

The results of the U.S.A., elections are based on electoral colleges’ votes.

To win the elections, of the total 538 votes, 270 are required by an individual party.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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