On the 24th of February, Thursday, an Air India plane which took off from Delhi, to evacuate stranded Indians in Ukraine is en route to return.

Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine situation, the Ukraine Government imposed martial law, restricting movements of people and political parties. In addition, they also closed air space for civil aircraft operations.

Due to the current situation, the Air India flight, AI 1947 which started from Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) is to return to India. The Central Government sources said that the flight was flying over the Iranian airspace, when it decided to return to New Delhi after indications that the flight would not be allowed in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.

Meanwhile, on Thursday morning, at 7:00 A.M., a flight of Air India returned from Ukraine carrying 182 passengers. The flight took off from India on Tuesday, the 22nd of February, confirmed by the Indian Civil Aviation Ministry. While a flight returned with rescued passengers, another flight took off from the IGIA, which had to return mid way.

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