The United Kingdom (U.K.,) Prime Minister (PM) Boris Johnson, cancelled his visit to India. The cancellation of the visit was in the wake of the second wave of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 situation in India.

On the 19th of April, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) of India released a statement regarding the same. The joint statement of Indian Government and the U.K., Government read, “In the light of the current coronavirus situation, Prime Minister Boris Johnson will not be able to travel to India next week. Instead, Prime Ministers Modi and Johnson will speak later this month to agree and launch their ambitious plans for the future partnership between the UK and India. They will remain in regular contact beyond this, and look forward to meeting in person later this year.”

Mr. Boris Johnson was scheduled to visit India on the 26th of April. The visit was a part of

of a planned itinerary, which was expected to include finalising a U.K., and India Enhanced Trade Partnership.

Meanwhile, India on the 19th of April, reported the highest single day cases of the Novel Coronavirus. In the past 24 hours, the Nation reported 2,73,810 new cases of COVID-19, taking the total active cases to 19,29,329.

With this, India also became the second COVID-19 worst hit nation. The first is the United States of America (U.S.A.)

Stay tuned for further updates.