In a breaking news, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Government gave good news to all doctors, engineers and professionals.

On the 30th of January, the UAE Government decided to grant citizenship to foreign investors, professionals including doctors, engineers, scientists, artists, authors and their families.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE took to Twitter and announced the same.

In his tweet, he wrote, “we adopted law amendments that allow granting the UAE citizenship to investors, specialized talents and professionals including scientists, doctors, engineers, artists, authors and their families. The new directives aim to attract talents that contribute to our development journey.”

Mr. Maktoum said, “The law allows receivers of the UAE passport to keep their existing citizenship.”

The decision was taken unanimously by the UAE cabinet, local Emirates courts and executive councils.

They would be nominating those eligible for citizenship in the UAE.

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