After Brazil, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the 1st of December, Wednesday, reported its first Omicron variant of the Wuhan virus (COVID-19.)

According to sources, the Ministry of Health and Prevention (MOHAP) took to Twitter and confirmed an African woman, who came to the UAE, showed symptoms of COVID-19 and was positive for the new variant.

Speaking about the situation in the UAE, to fight the new variant, The Ministry affirmed that the UAE Health Sector is prepared to tackle the situation. They are taking all the necessary steps and ensuring everyone, especially foreigners are exposed to COVID-19 tests.

In addition, the UAE Health Ministry also asked their citizens to take COVID-19 vaccination to ensure they are immune to the infection.

On the other hand, the UAE Government imposed strict travel restrictions from seven southern African countries amid Omicron concerns. In addition, the travellers from these countries would need to stay in a third country for at least 14 days (quarantine) before traveling to the UAE.

The new danger, classified as the “Variant of Concern” is spreading rapidly in many countries including Brazil, France, Japan and now the UAE.

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