On Monday, the U.S. President Donald Trump presented a document for the Country’s National Security. The document warns of a treacherous World in which the U.S. faces rising threats from Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. The document defined North Korea and Iran as rouge Governments. It also pointed out Islamism as a main threat to the U.S. The new National Security Strategy (NSS) also promised support for India’s emergence as a Leading Global Power.

The strategy document stated, “We welcome India’s emergence as a Leading Global Power and stronger strategic and defence partner.” The document further stated, “We will seek to increase quadrilateral cooperation with Japan, Australia and India. We will expand our defence and security cooperation with India, a Major Defense Partner of the United States and support India’s growing relationships throughout the region.”

The document stated the U.S. will help South Asian Nations maintain their sovereignty as China increases its influence in the region. Many Countries in the Indo Pacific region look up to the U.S. for leadership as the Chinese dominance risks diminishing the sovereignty of many States in the region.

The U.S. will pursue threats to their source so Jihadi terrorists are stopped before they reach the U.S. borders.

President Trump said, “We will deepen our strategic partnership with India and support its leadership role in Indian Ocean security and throughout the broader region.” Trump further added, “We will press Pakistan to intensify its counterterrorism efforts since no partnership can survive a Country’s support for militants and terrorists who target a partner’s own service members and officials. The United States will also encourage Pakistan to continue demonstrating that it is a responsible steward of its nuclear assets.”

The White House Officials said the Trump’s NSS is a culmination of 11 months of collaboration between all the leading Security, Foreign policy and Economic Agencies of the Government.