After the chemical attack in rebel held area of Syria, presumably organized by the Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad, the U.S., President Donald Trump on Thursday, said that he had ordered a military strike against an airfield. Which was from where the chemical attack was launched this Tuesday.

The Officials of Trump Administration had said they launched dozens of cruise missiles on the airbase that is controlled by Assad as a reply to the chemical attack on the rebel held area.

After taking oath on January 20, this is the toughest foreign policy crisis action that the U.S., had taken. It is also considered the toughest action by U.S., in the six year civil war with Syria. This move is expected to stir the waters and risk a confrontation with Iran and Russia, which have been two military supports to the al Assad regime.

U.S., Navy warships launched almost 50 Tomahawk missiles from the Mediterranean Sea. The missiles were targeted to different bases that include aircraft and fuel stations, airstrip of the base in Homs.

The attack started at 8:45 P.M., EDT (6:15 A.M.,) the results and the damages caused by these attacks are still unknown. This order was passed a day after Trump had said that al Assad was responsible for the chemical attack. The attack killed 70 people, of which many were children in Khan Sheikhoun of Syria. Though Trump pointed a finger at Assad, the government denied any relation to the attack.

Check the video here: