Right at the beginning, a woman will be under the control of her father, then under the control of her husband and eventually under the control of her son!
From childhood, she lives under a male relative’s control.

According to Saudi Law, a guardian’s permission is mandatory for a woman to travel abroad, to marry and even to get a passport.
Saudi Arabia’s ban on women driving is what often captures most of the attention.

Saudi Law is one of the most conservative interpretations and no other country enforces such strict measures for women’s guardianship.
Rights activist says that the system should be removed completely.

The Associated Press spoke with three generations of women from the same family about its impact on their lives.

The Daughter:
Lubna Jamjoom, (Sahar’s daughter,) is a 40 year old interior designer with three children. She feels frustrated that she needs her husband to accompany her to get passports and open a bank account for their children.
“It doesn’t make sense that he can decide these things for me as an adult and the mother of his children,” she said.

The Mother:
Sahar Nasief, (Naila’s daughter,) was 53 when her son became her guardian.

After her divorce, her guardianship was transferred to her father, Hassan Nasief. When her father died, all her sons made fun of her asking who is going to take care of her next. And she chose her middle son to be her guardian.

Nasief says guardianship is nothing but the ownership of women.
“I want my right without any reason. It’s a right,” she said.

The Grandmother:
Naila Mohammed Saleh Nasief is an outspoken lady who is 96 years old. She finds it irritating as well as sarcastic that her son has been her guardian for the past three decades.
She says, she needs his permission for everything. Her son to whom she gave birth, raised up and made as a man is now a guardian for her. Does it even make any sense?
She feels she is not a human, she shares her bad experiences.

This conservative system makes women weak and dependent on the respective male gender. A lot of women have registered their complaints about unbearable issues like being forced to marry, for being abused and also they are compelled to hand over their salaries to their guardian. That’s really a pitiable side of the issue.

Naila Mohammed Saleh Nasief says these laws will not change even after fifty years. She adds, “no law can be changed when people’s minds are tightly closed.”
She says that there is nothing even in the Quran that a man can rule over women. Yet this practice of “guardianship” persists.

Every woman deserves to be treated equally. There are a lot of women all over this world who are not treated with respect. This needs to be changed. They have every right to take decisions on their own. There are so many living examples that women can lead their life independently without depending on anyone. With today‘s technology, we can make people aware of women’s situation to make the world a better place for women, and in return for all of us.

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