Sri Lanka’s Cabinet of Ministers resigned on the 4th of April, amid the ongoing economic crisis in the nation.

The resignation of approximately 26 ministers came with immediate effect late on the night of the 3rd of April, Sunday.  Addressing the media, the Education Minister and Leader of the House Mr. Dinesh Gunawardena said, “The Cabinet Ministers handed over their resignations to Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa.”  However, he proffered no reason for the mass resignation.

Meanwhile, widespread public protests are being conducted throughout the nation with the imposition of a curfew which is scheduled to end on Monday, the 4th of April.  It is to be noted, that the citizens of Sri Lanka, came out of the streets, demanding the resignation of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa.  To control the situation, the Government of Sri Lanka declared a state of emergency.

Furthermore, Sri Lankan police fired tear gas and water cannons at hundreds of university students during a protest in the central province.  The protest was held despite the curfew, demanding the resignation of the Sri Lankan Government officials including the Prime Minister.

It is to be noted, that Sri Lanka witnessed the worst economic crisis in the history of the nation.

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