In Sri Lanka,  the citizens gathered at the main business market of the Capital city and protested, demanding the resignation of Mr. Gotabaya Rajapaksa, the President of Sri Lanka, amid the worst economic crisis on the island.  The united population of 22 million in Sri Lanka, raised their voices, slogans and placards, and asked the government officials and the President to quit their posts, as they have damaged the nation, which is facing Sri Lanka’s worst economic.

The primary rallying cry “go home Gota” (aimed at president Gotabaya Rajapaksa) has been accompanied by “go home Rajapaksas”, the family that has been in rule for over a decade (10 years).

However, the constant protests and chaos have not affected the President, who is determined to hold the position, though the President’s nephew Namal Rajapaksa stepped down from his portfolio and the entire Sri Lankan Cabinet submitted a mass resignation.

Furthermore, to control the situation and economic crisis, the Sri Lankan President appointed a new Sri Lanka Central Bank Governor, Mr. Nandalal Weerasinghe.  After taking over the office, the new Sri Lanka Central Bank Governor expressed confidence in overcoming the crisis, if performed independently.  He said, if the bank decisions are not influenced by political angles, the nation can overcome the ongoing crisis.  He also added that the President have given him authority to take independent decisions benefiting the situation.

Meanwhile, the protestors are not likely to give up their protests until the President of Sri Lanka resigns from his post.

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