On Wednesday, a massive fire blazed at the 27 storey apartment block in West London. The Police and fire brigade said that 40 fire engines and 200 firefighters were called in to attend to the Grenfell Tower. The Lancaster West Estate building has 120 flats and has been burning for more than three hours.

The London’s Metropolitan police service tweeted about the incident saying, “residents continue to be evacuated from the tower block fire in North Kensington. A number of people being treated for a range of injuries. Fire is from second to top floor of 27 storey building.”

A photograph posted by the fire department shows the side of the building engulfed in flames. The cause of the fire is not yet known. Residents of the building were spotted shouting for help from windows on top floors as the fire started to spread. London Mayor Sadiq Khan declared this as a ‘major incident.’

Dan Daly, the Assistant Commissioner said on his Facebook page that it was large and serious fire. He also said that the firefighters wearing breathing apparatus were on work. Mr Daly said they were working extremely hard in very difficult conditions to tackle the fire.

Police released a statement that at 1:16 A.M., GMT they received a call “to report a large fire at a block of flats in the Lancaster West Estate.” They also added people were being treated for smoke inhalation. The apartment was built in 1974.