Islamic State does not care about what the Books say when it comes to their security; ISIS has

banned the burqa at their security centres in Iraq and Syria. According to a report by the Daily Mail, after

attacks on militants by burqa clad women only women who are NOT wearing a burqa will be

allowed in the buildings in Mosul, Baghdad.

Earlier Islamic state imposed and forced women to wear the Islamic outfit and dress modestly, and

those who refused to follow their rules were badly beaten up or given death penalty by ISIS militants.

It seems the burqa ban is only limited to the security centres in Mosul,

said a report.

ISIS controlled Syrian town of Manbij, was freed and civilians were set free from captivity after the

U.S., backed Syrian Democratic Forces executed their operation. The civilians were then seen burning

burqas and veils that were forced upon them by the terror group.

“Damn these stupid inventions that they made us wear,” one woman was heard saying as she set

her burqa on fire. “We’re humans, we have our freedom,” another said.

Now it seems like ISIS is mending the Sharia rules for their own safety.

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