On the 21st of February, Monday, a projectile was fired from the Ukrainian side, around 9:50 A.M.

The projectile destroyed a border office of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB.) However, no casualties have been reported as of now.

The official of the FSB released a statement which read, “On February 21, at 09:50 a.m (06:50 GMT), an unidentified projectile fired from the territory of Ukraine fully destroyed the office of border patrols of the Russian FSB border department in the Rostov region, located at a distance of about 150 meters [490 feet] from the Russian-Ukrainian border.”

The incident today was reported a day after two explosions were reported in Ukraine .

Notably, Russian troops have been increasing at the Ukraine border for a month and despite warnings of war from the United States of America (U.S.A.,) the situation is getting worse with the possibility of a war in Ukraine. The major reason behind the situation is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) which has members as the U.S.A., the United Kingdom (U.K.,) and 26 other countries. Ukraine wants to be a member of NATO, which has been supported by the U.S.A., the U.K., France and others . The Russian Government does not want Ukraine to be a part of NATO, as it will expand the grouping at the Ukraine-Russia border. Another major reason is Crimea, as Russia believes if Ukraine becomes a NATO member, it would try to take back Crimea by military force.

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