A sixth grade student in Pakistan along with his father sued the officials of the Presidential house in Pakistan. The case is registered at the Islamabad High Court, accuses the Presidential house of Plagiarism. Eleven year old Mohammed Sabeel Haider accused the presidential house of using his speech without taking his consent.

Sabeel, a student of Islamabad Model College for Boys, said on Friday that he was supposed to deliver a speech on December 22, at the President’s house in the same city.


Pakistan Presidential House sued for stealing intellectual property by a sixth sixth grader.

The speech was to mark Mohammed Ali Jinnah’s 141st birthday. It was supposed to be recorded and aired on December 25 on Pakistan Television. But when Sabeel reached the said venue he was sent back and told that he won’t be delivering the speech anymore.

In the petition, Sabeel informed the court that the speech he had written prepared was delivered to the house by a tenth grade student. He accused the President’s house of stealing his intellectual property. The attorney, who is fighting Sabeel’s case said that according to Section 3 of Intellectual Property and Copyright’s ordinance of 1967, any literary content produced by an individual cannot be used by a third person, without taking the permission of the writer.

The Islamabad High Court is yet to give a hearing in regard to the case.

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