Imran Khan, the Prime Minister of Pakistan, on the 22nd of April, took a test for the Novel Coronavirus.

Mr. Khan agreed to undergo COVID-19 test after his recent meeting with Faisal Edhi, the Chairman of the Edhi Foundation, who tested positive for the Coronavirus infection.

The meeting took place four day ago at the residence of Imran Khan in Islamabad.  Faisal Edhi met Imran Khan and handed over a donation cheque to fight the Novel Coronavirus infection in Pakistan.

Doctors from Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital collected samples of Imran Khan.  Dr. Faisal Sultan, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, said, “I am happy to announce that the Prime Minister has agreed to get tested for (the) Coronavirus (infection) on my advice.”

Though Imran Khan did not show any symptoms of COVID-19 and the meeting lasted between the duo for only 7 minutes, Dr. Faisal suggested Mr. Khan for the test.

Besides in the picture shared of the meeting, Mr. Faisal Edhi and Imran Khan were not wearing gloves or protective masks, which could transmit the virus.

Meanwhile, Pakistan recorded a total of  9,749 cases of the Novel Coronavirus with 209 fatalities till date.

The results of Imran Khan’s COVID-19 test is awaited.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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