A lesbian couple decided to take their lives after being asked not meet ever again by their parents. The

two 21 year old ladies, lived in the same neighbourhood in Suman Nagar, Chunabhatti and developed a

close bond over a period of time which resulted in love. They managed to meet each other

each day and spend quality time together for over a period of a year, keeping their affair a secret.

The families soon suspected a lesbian relationship between the two after a relative informed one of

the girls family as they spotted the couple at Marine Drive, Mumbai cuddling. This made Mr. Kishore

the father, confront his daughter where she revealed her relationship after which she was forbidden

from meeting her girlfriend ever again.

Both girls felt helpless and decided to end their lives after their affair was a known thing to their

families. One of them is recovering in a hospital after consuming phenol and was saved, the other girl tragically

lost her life by hanging herself to death. Following this incident Mr. Kishore was arrested by the police

along with a politician who used obscene language while discussing the matter with the deceased

and her sister.

Senior Police Inspector Sunil Bhosle in his statement said, “We have booked two people under

Sections 306 (abetment of suicide,) 507 (criminal intimidation) and 34 (common intention) of the I.P.C.,

and have arrested one in the matter. The statement of the woman’s girlfriend is yet to be recorded

as she is recovering from her suicide attempt. Future action will be taken once her statement is


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