Here is a list of the 9 most expensive fruits in the world. Everyone loves fruits but there are a few fruits that most of us may never get to taste. For the simple reason, they are too darn expensive and most of us would rather buy a house or go on a fun trip.  


Buddha Shaped Pear: These pears are grown in China by a farmer named Xianzhang Hao in the Hebei province. The farmer grows the pears in molds that look exactly like a tiny Buddha. Chinese myth says eating a magical Buddha shaped fruit would ensure immortality. The fruit will not give you immortality but it is likely to burn a hole in your pocket. The fruit costs a whopping $ 8 which is roughly Rs. 600.   

Sekai Ichi Apples: The name of this apple translates to ‘World’s Number One” and is available in Japan. These are the biggest apples in the world weighing a little less than a kilogram. To have a bite of the best apple in the world you will have to shell out Rs. 1,300 just for one.

Dekopon Citrus: If you are a fan of mandarin oranges you will love the Dekopon version. They are much bigger than the usual mandarin orange and is considered the sweetest orange in the world. For a pack of 6 Dekopon oranges, one will have to pay around Rs. 5,000.

Sembikiya Queen Strawberries: These strawberries are the most flawless and beautiful fruits you will ever see. The appearance is mainly what you will pay for apart from the sweetness. To get your tongue on one of these beauties you will be paying Rs. 5500 for 12 pieces.

Square Watermelons: This is another one of the most expensive fruits grown in Japan. The melons are grown and boxed to gain the extraordinary shape. The average weight of these watermelons ranges between 5 to 6 Kgs. These melons are no joke and cost a whopping $ 800 which is almost Rs. 53,000.

Pineapples from the Lost Gardens of Heligan: The most well known botanical spa in the United Kingdom, the Lost Gardens of Heligan grow these expensive pineapples. Eating the best pineapple in the world can cost you more than just an arm, as the average price in $ 1,600 which is more than a lakh in Indian Rupees.

Taiyo No Tamago Mangoes: The name of these mangoes translates to ‘eggs in the sun’  in English. This is for nothing more than the fact that the mangoes are shaped like eggs. These mangoes are carefully made and only the best are put up for auction. The most money paid for a pair of these mangoes was $ 300 dollars which is way over a lakh in Indian Rupees.

Ruby Roman Grapes: These grapes are grown in the Ishikawa Prefecture of Japan. Without a doubt, these are the largest grapes in the world. They are also named Tables Grapes as each grape is as big as a ping pong ball. Over the years the price of these grapes have risen at alarming rates. Today once can expect to pay as much as $ 4000 for a bunch which is way over Rs. 2 lakhs.

Densuke Watermelon: The Square watermelons are quite expensive and unique but nothing to the Densuke watermelons. An average Densuke watermelon weighs a little over 10 Kgs. Unlike other watermelons that have a green rind (outer skin,) Densuke watermelons have a black one. These are one of rarest fruits and are grown on the Japanese island called Hokkaido. Each year the farmers only grow 10,000 of these fruits making them even more valuable. The average price of one Densuke watermelon is $ 6,100 which is almost Rs. 4 lakhs.