Pakistan: Many countries claimed that including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Nigeria have minority of children who were growing healthy.
According to the Global Nutrition Reports 2015, half of the children under the age of 5 in Pakistan are surviving an unhealthy life.



This report came into light when the UN member stated plans to adopt the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) after this month.
Only Kenya is on course for all the five World Health Assembly targets on nutrition while Colombia, Ghana, Vanuatu and Vietnam – are on course for four targets. Pakistan is one among the 20 countries that have met only one target. This has been stated by Dawn online citing the nutrition report.
This report also claimed that several other countries including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Nigeria had only minority of children who were growing healthy.
This also presented a depressed picture of the global nutrition status saying no country was under the track to achieve the global nutrition targets set by the World Health Assembly. The report also stated that malnutrition is the third problem in the every country.

This report also highlighted the critical link between climate change and malnutrition and suggested that changing weather conditions were complicating global efforts to end malnutrition.

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