Michelle Obama is unarguably one the most respected classy and sassy FLOTUS that the US has ever had. Love for her is widespread not only in the US but also all around the world. Michelle, in a recent interview, opened up about the photographs of her giving a side eye during the present President Donald Trump’s inauguration.


Her reason will make you fall in love a little bit more. She explained that she was trying to throw shade at the welcome of Donald and Melania Trump to White House. Michelle explained that she was trying to bottle her emotions and was not throwing shade at the Trumps.

At the American Institute of Architects Convention, Obama was speaking about her experiences. She explained that the start of the inauguration meant the end of her teenage daughters’ childhood in the White House, where they spent eight years of their life.

Malia, Sasha and Michelle Obama in the White House Grounds.

She said, “So that moment of transition, right before the doors opened and we welcomed in the new family, our kids were leaving out the back door in tears, saying goodbye to people.” She added, “I didn’t want to have tears in my eyes because people would swear I was crying because of the new president.”

The Obamas at the White House.

Michelle Obama also said that it was tough for her to say goodbye to the White House staff. But she also expressed that she has no wish to return to the Pennsylvania Avenue in 2020. She expressed that she wouldn’t ask her children to do it all over again.