She went for the fries and found a lizard. It was a bit too bizarre for Priyanka Moitra from Kolkata when she got a little more than what she had ordered. In the French fries, which she ordered at the Eastern Metropolitan bypass outlet of McDonald’s, was a dead lizard!
McDonald's fries lizard kolkata

Moitra lodged a complaint on February 28 as she and her daughter allegedly found a dead lizard in their packet of French fries at the McDonald’s outlet in an E.M. bypass-based shopping mall here. She also gave a picture of the contaminated food item,” an officer from Phoolbagan police station said. Moitra has supposedly fallen ill at the sight and is quite concerned about the welfare of her daughter. She has lodged a complaint against the fast food chain too.

This is one of the many complaints that McDonald’s has been receiving from its customers. One of them was revamping its McFlurry machine which tends to be out of order most of the times. This comes as a pain especially since McFlurry is one of the bestsellers of the restaurant.

McAloo Tikki McDonald's India

Another issue that McDonald’s is facing, particularly in India, is that it is no longer able to attract crowds with $2 burgers namely the McAloo Tikki. “We thought value will carry us forward when started out in 1996 but competition had caught up…and, therefore, we needed to reinvent ourselves,” said Amit Jatia, vice-chairman of Westlife Development, which owns the master franchise rights for over 240 McDonald’s outlets in south and west India.

McDonald’s is in the midst of a two year turnaround to revive sales in its struggling U.S. and Indian markets and says it is redoubling its focus on devoted customers. Well we sure hope it does because lizards are definitely not a novelty eat in this part of Asia!

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